DID YOU KNOW—The Children’s Home & Teen Shelter is one of Hands to Hands Benefiting Agencies?
The Children’s Home & Teen Shelter provide emergency care for abused, neglected, runaway & homeless youth age 17 mos. to 17 years
The Children’s Home and Teen Shelter provide basic care and emergency shelter for abused, neglected, runaway and homeless youth 17 months to 17 years of age in North Texas serving an 11 county region. All youth are provided shelter, case management, supervision, food clothing, counseling, daily living skills training, tutoring, and referrals for medical/psychological counseling services. All children are provided basic care items such as clothing, grooming needs, toys, books, and school supplies. Most importantly, they provide a safe place for these children to live.
Go to hthcf.org and support this hard working group on September 7th! Texoma Gives DAY!!
Hands to Hands Community Fund
#gratefuleight #texomagives #handstohandswf