Child Advocates (CASA)
… Rudi has served as a CASA volunteer since 2010, and had just wrapped up his 11th case when he was matched with Da’Mari. Da’Mari had spent the previous year in care, and during that 12-month time he had been moved to eight different placements, changing homes, schools, and caregivers each time. Rudi was able to provide stable, reliable support for Da’Mari as he worked to finish school. Da’Mari has now graduated from high school and is living in a supervised independent living program. He is working and preparing to start college soon, and Rudi is there every step of the way! Rudi is a perfect example of how CASA volunteers impact the lives of the children for whom they advocate and continue to do so even after they “age out” and seek their own goals. He has been a lifeline for this young man, whose future now looks promising despite his difficult past.

Child Advocates serves the most innocent and vulnerable of our community, children who are victims of abuse and live in the foster care system. Each Court Appointed Special Advocate or CASA speaks up and helps their child in court and life, and they stand by them until they find a home. Last year, they served 408 children. CASAs believe every child deserves a chance, and you can help!